Month: May 2023

Tech article Summary

No Cellphone? No Problem! The Vintage radio Enthusiasts prepping for Disaster

Article source: The Guardian

Glenn Morrison, 75 Lives in the California Desert, ponytailed.

He tells a tale concerning an ant and a grasshopper.
“One industrious ant readies for winter by stocking up on food and supplies while an aimless grasshopper wastes time and doesn’t plan ahead. When the cold weather finally arrives, the ant is “fat and happy”, but the grasshopper starves.”
Morrison is the ant and those who dont prepare themselves for future emergencies are the grasshoppers.
Morrison is the president of the Desert rats. A club that’s dedicated to everything ham radio.
One of ham’s radios biggest draws is it’s convenience in an emergency. If disaster strikes, radio operators can spring into action and help with emergency response communications, and able to keep in contact with their own networks.
100,000 licensed radio operators in California, called hams from 40 years ago.
“Ham Radio” “is like the original social media.” – Morrison
“I’ve always wanted to be ready for what’s next”

Thoughts on the article:

I feel like this article is nice, it explains to use about Glenn Morrison. I loved the detail where the article mentioned “pony-tailed” I really loved the story about the ant and grasshopper, it really shows a more broader perspective


Wind Racer Blog

Aim: To have the prettiest windracer

Research: http://

Method and equipment

For the sail, we’ve printed the lorax, O’hare, Despicable me’s gru’s car, Minions, blue emojis and our teacher’s photo

Provided materials

  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Tape
  • String
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Bamboo stick
  • Race trolley


(I’m so sorry I can’t rotate the pictures so you’re gonna have to rotate your head)


What are the 4 main forces acting on your wind racer –

  1. Non-contact force, Thrust, Friction, Gravity.
  2. What forces made the racer go faster / slower  | Slower- friction | Faster – Thrust
  3. What would make some wind racers go faster / slower? – Lesser friction
  4. What is speed- motion travelling either faster or slower



Although we did not win the wind race, we did win for which windracer was more appealing to the eye.

We reached our goal (aim)

Conclusion: The wind racer’s purpose wasn’t fulfilled although I think we did a good job decorating the windracer. I wasn’t present during this activity. Although I’ve heard from a associate that the windracer that we built did not make it well. The wind had blown it and it went backwards.

Article summary Social Studies task 2

Article link:

This article explains about the leaked design models and changes to the next iphone


Before apple introduces the new iphone, had found dummy models of the iphone 15 and it confirms design changes and modifications on the charging port

According to the article, Every smartphone except for the iphone, has been using the usb-c. “Last year, the European Union ruled Apple must implement USB-C in devices sold in Europe from 2024 onward, a bid to reduce electronic waste and simplify the charging process for users.”


Projectile motion

Projectile Motion


B –                                  Angle of release

I –                                   sped of release

O –                                  Height of release

M –                                 Air resistance (wind)

E                                    Temperature

T                                     Mass of the projectile






During this period we’ve learnt about bones

  • Cranium – Skull
  • Vertrebal column – Spine
  • Sternum – Breast bone
  • Clavicle – Collar bone
  • Humerus – funny bone
  • Scapula – Shoulder blade
  • Radius – Thumb side of arm
  • Ulna – Pinky side of arm
  • Metacarpals – Fingers
  • Carpals – Hand bones
  • Pelvic bone – hip bone
  • Femur – thigh bone
  • Patella – Knee Cap
  • Fibula – Shin bone
  • Tibia – shin bone
  • Metatarsals – foot bones
  • Tarsals – feet bones / toes
  • Phalanges – hand bones and toes
  • Mandible – Jaw

(206 bones in the anatomy)




Basketball (ball) - Wikipedia

The term basketball comes from

” For that first game of basketball in 1891, Naismith used as goals two half-bushel peach baskets, which gave the sport its name. The students were enthusiastic.”


Naismith’s original rules

There were only thirteen rules of “basket ball”:

According to wikipedia

  1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.
  2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands.
  3. A player cannot run with the ball, the player must throw it from the spot on which he catches it, allowance to be made for a man who catches the ball when running at good speed.
  4. The ball must be held in or between the hands, the arms or body must not be used for holding it.
  5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping or striking in any way the person of an opponent shall be allowed. The first infringement of this rule by any person shall count as a foul, the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made, or if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of the game, no substitute.
  6. A foul is striking the ball with the fist, violation of rules 3 and 4, and such as described in rule 5.
  7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls it shall count a goal for opponents.
  8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from grounds into the basket and stays there. If the ball rests on the edge and the opponent moves the basket it shall count as a goal.
  9. When the ball goes out of bounds it shall be thrown into the field and played by the person first touching it. In case of a dispute, the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The “thrower-in” is allowed five seconds. If he holds it longer it shall go to the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall call a foul on them.
  10. The umpire shall be the judge of the men and shall note the fouls, and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have been made.
  11. The referee shall be the judge of the ball and shall decide when the ball is in play, in-bounds, and to which side it belongs, and shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made and keep account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed by a referee.
  12. The time shall be fifteen-minute halves, with five-minute rests between.
  13. The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the winner. In the case of a draw, the game may, by agreement of the captains, be continued until another goal is made.

Original rules are

What Are The Five Rules In Basketball That You Need To Know?

(according to SportsUnfold)

What Are The Five Rules In Basketball That You Need To Know?

1. Only Five Players Per Team On The Court

Every team can roll out their game on the grounds with only five players. The rule is in the various popular and professional tournaments in Basketball like NBA, NCAA, and WNBA.

The team loses possession of the ball if they break the main rule. The rule sometimes gets broken when the substitute players enter into the ground and other doesn’t leave the court in time.

2. You Score Should Be More Than The Opponent

In the scenario where you wish to win the game, your score should be more than the goals of the opponent in the field. There are going to be two or three points that can be worth the field goals.

Three points are with the field goals that are taken from outside the arc. Jump shots, layups, slam drunks, tip-ins are worth the field goals.

3. Score Should Be Within Shot Clock

During the giving possession, the team has an offer of a limited amount of time where they can shoot the ball. The possession time is 24 seconds in the tournaments like NBA and WNBA. However, the time is 30 seconds for the teams in NCAA. The count down is displayed in the court by the shot clock which is mounted about the hoop on each side.

The opposing team forfeits the ball after the shot clock elapses and it becomes the defensive team.

4. Dribbling Ball Advances

The ball can only be advanced by the basketball players where the passing or the dribbling is in the move up or down the court. The player must pass the ball or shoot if they stop dribbling and not resuming. The player in the offensive position stops and then continues to dribble the ball.

And this dribbling occurs before passing or shooting then it is termed as “double dribble” by the referee and the ball goes to the opposing team.

The ball can only be advanced by dribbling it. They are traveling if they run while holding the ball.\/h

5. To Inbound The Ball The Offense Has 5 Secs

The opposing team gets the possession after the offense scores a basket. The ball has to be inbound by one of the players from a designated spot on the sidelines of the court where they can resume the gameplay.

There are 5 seconds with the player where they have been designated for another team. Whenever the offensive player is trying to inbound the defender cannot contact the ball or it is a technical foul.


Communication styles

Communication styles


Face, indifferent, neutral, passive icon - Download on Iconfinder

  • Doormat behaviour; sees self as a victim, a loser
  • -ignores own rights and allows others to infringe on own rights
  • Does not state own needs, ideas or feelings
  • Allows others to make decisions for them
  • is emotionally dishonest – actions and words are not in accord with feelings. Which leads to suppressed anger and resentment
  • Eventually alienates others with negative outlook
  • has low self esteem


Smiling emoticon square face - Free interface icons

  • stands up for own rights and recognises the rights of others
  • accepts own positive and negative personal characteristics, and accepts other people’s characteristics
  • Respects self and others
  • expresses needs ideas and feelings
  • Accepts responsibility for choices and behaviour
  • Has high self-esteem
  • Relates confidently to others


Aggression - Free miscellaneous icons 

  • Competitive: I must win
  • Stands up for own rights: ignores rights of others
  • Puts others down
  • Does not listen to others; Overrides feelings and wishes
  • Defensive, hostile; may use verbal or physical abuse
  • Has little real self-esteem
  • Leaves behind hurt and humiliated feelings

Passive aggressive 

Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder Line Icon 14812747 Vector Art at  Vecteezy

  • Subtle, hidden behaviour
  • Manipulates rather than facing confrontation and risking being rejected
  • Gets needs met by making others feel guilty, or by getting others to act on their own behalf
  • Appears to think well of others but there is an undercurrent of disapproval
  • Leaves others feeling puzzled, thwarted or guilty
  • Has little real self-esteem


Benefits of being assertive

  • You can stand up for others and yourself
  • Become more confident
  • You stand your ground and you tell others how you feel
  • You become more accepting
  • You are more self-accepting
  • Become more self-assured (higher-selfworth)
  • Be more honest with yourself and others
  • Become better to able to express yourself and say not and yes for myself
  • Become more aware of my rights and the rights of others.


Article Summary Social Studies 2023 Term 2


Youtube found to push content about guns to children watching game videos

This post will be a summary of the article that we’ve had a read through.

What I remember from the article is

Children at the age of 9-14 can access such videos which can lead to gun-violence and etc. Researchers create fake accounts identified as 9 year olds and 14 year olds and see how much of youtube they can get on.

The accounts have been recommended gun videos and violence and the youtube algorithm was responsible for that. To explain it differently, the accounts that we were created could be any child on the website. The accounts were watching game-related videos, but the accounts managed to reach places in youtube that is not age-appropriate. The accounts could access videos that 14 / 9 yr olds are not supposed to watch.

Researchers also find videos that were performed by adults which can be easily replicated by minors. Most of the videos are gun-related.

Also on the article, I’ve picked up that most children can get influenced by the media that they see.

This was a big deal because any child now these days can access R18 content easily and gun-violent content.

TTP also had some clear evidence that video games were not to blame for violent behavior. “But TTP’s study shows there is a mechanism that can lead boys who play video games into a world of mass shootings and gun violence: YouTube’s recommendation algorithm.”

What I think about the article

I think that the article just points out that there is something wrong with the youtube algorithm. I agree with the article, and I really think that the videos that they recommend could have potential harm to children, they could be influenced by everything they see so this could be dangerous to children. Many children are already exposed to this kind of content and it’s very much easy for them to  access that kind of mindset now. I think that youtube needs to have their recommendation algorithm looked into



Definition (Google source

  1. a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.

My own definition

A disagreement between people, 2 individuals or groups



Conflict is part of human nature.

There are several kinds of conflicts: Wars, Social, Personal, etc.

Many say that without conflict, the place would be a better place because conflict would result into wars, broken relationships, etc.

Conflict is usually seen as a negative thing, but it can actually be healthy for people to hold different views.

How I cope with Conflict 

1 Meet violence with violence

5= Very typical of my atitudes and actions

4= Pretty Typical

3= Somewhat Typical 

2= Seldom Typical

1= Not typical of my atitudes and actions


2. The greatest number of people are not always right

5= Very typical of my atitudes and actions

4= Pretty Typical 

3= Somewhat Typical

2= Seldom Typical

1= Not typical of my atitudes and actions

3. Listen to me and I’ll listen to you 

5= Very typical of my atitudes and actions

4= Pretty Typical 

3= Somewhat Typical

2= Seldom Typical

1= Not typical of my atitudes and actions

4. It’s everyone for themselves in this world

5= Very typical of my atitudes and actions

4= Pretty Typical

3= Somewhat Typical 

2= Seldom Typical

1= Not typical of my atitudes and actions

Term 2 Break ENG 2023

A) Moment from the holidays that you are grateful for

Sleepover. Before the sleepover, some people who were involved in it weren’t really close to me but was very distant. During the sleepover we had a talk and opened up about the problems that we had with eachother and it somehow brought us closer.

Another moment that I really enjoyed was the facemask session. It wasn’t the calm kind but it took a turn when Angel started brushing on Hanna’s upper lip. The mask was a black peel-off mask and it was difficult to remove. Because of the colour of the mask, Hanna looked like she had a beard. We cackled so much and we decided to do the same with the others. One had spots all over their face, a monobrow, etc.

b) 3 things/activities you did to get out of the house.

Bonding with our friends at Laser Strike – It was enjoyable for me but the aftermath was not since afterwards we were extremely drenched in sweat.

Riverside – The food was really good compared to some places. It was nice, it kind of reminded me of a market

Ancestral – we ate there for a bit but the worst part of it was the bill. We split up into two tables and our table split the bill despite the amount of money we had. The other table didn’t want to pay much so they instead got drinks. They still had alot of money compared to us and they didn’t want to pay. When we got our food they kept calling us wealthy. When we got the ride back home everyone started arguing.

Didn’t like it


c) What did I do for myself that made me happy

Fabric painting – I painted a piece of my clothing and it took some turns. I used a stencil and it had a text and painted it and it turned out very well. I was focused too much on how light it was so I didn’t leave it alone and I tried to fill in the light spots, hence, the paint looks stubby and messy. I painted red over it to try and make it look better but I went over the lines. I had an idea and I made it as the border of the text. The red was the border and I painted black for the text. Turned our pretty well and I am kind of proud of it.

d) What am I looking forward to this term

More term breaks.