Futurism SOS

Hello ! this is Stephanie, I’ve been researching about the inventions throughout the periods of time.

This task also helped me realise how lucky we are and how far we’ve come. My thoughts are: what kind of technology awaits for us in the near future?

Here is my timeline.

(Instead of clicking the link of the document that I’ve created, I’ve put all my work into the post for you to read.)

(in the document, I’ve included pictures of the eras)



Prehistoric Technology- Stones (also stone age)

 Stone ages- stones 


Most tools in the stone age were created to potentially help humans survive. These tools are used for hunting, agriculture and food preparation. They were made out of different stones and this is the reason that this time period is known as the stone age 


Metal ages– period of history that began to smelt metal “metallurgy”, or the working of metal. The metals that are primarily used were copper, bronze and iron. Which opens the door to allowing humans to use these to produce new tools. 



Inventions are: the dagger, the sword, etc. Human civilization is in part because of the development of metal tools. 


Classical Antiquity – Inventions which are made by ancient Greeks include: rotary mills, screws, water clocks, water organs etc. 


These inventions had occured in the Greek period. These inventions were created to improve weapons and tactics in war. There are peaceful uses though from their early development. 



– The windmill, spinning wheel, gun powder, and clock was invented in the medieval period. Although there are devices that are created to torture. The medieval era has been a very brutal time. (TW: torture devices, gore description) 


A very well known torture device is 


  1. The stake – this form of torture was invariably fatal. Create a pile of dry wood with a stake at the center to tie the victim to and light it on fire. 


  1. The Rack

The victim was tied down while a crank or turning wheel tightened the ropes, stretching the victim’s body until the joints were dislocated. Continued pressure could cause the limbs to be torn right off. 


All of this information comes from the informative website called https://history.howstuffworks.com/10-medieval-torture-devices.htm



This time is mostly known for its beautiful era for paintings. Here are some inventions that are made during this era: The musket, Eyeglasses, Telescope, Printing press,

“The printing press was the invention that helped spread renaissance ideas around Europe.”  according to study.com 



The enlightenment had introduced us to the circulation of blood, optics, the microscope, calculus


Calculus is the mathematical study of change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of operations and their application to solving equations. – Science direct 



First Industrial Revolution Technology inventions 

The spinning jenny, cotton gin, the steam engine and the telegraph

according to study.com, there are 7 major inventions of the second industrial revolution

which is the telegraph, the telephone, the modern light bulb, the assembly line, the automobile, aircraft, and the construction of the transcontinental railroad.


Second industrial revolution 

in the second industrial revolution, there was 

Petroleum, steel, electricity and was majorly used 

Automatic signals, air brakes, the telephone, electric light and typewriter 


Machine, atomic jet & space ages 

Wireless headsets, LED lighting, portable cordless vacuums, freeze-dried foods, memory foam, scratch resistant eyeglass lenses. https://now.northropgrumman.com/how-technology-from-the-space-race-changed-the-world/#:~:text=Consumer%20products%20like%20wireless%20headsets,space%20technology%20research%20and%20development.


Digital revolution 

The date of the digital revolution is the late half of the 20th century. Also known as the third industrial revolution

Computers, Microprocessors, digital cellular phones and the Internet. 

The microchip, computer and the internet did not have single inventors but were all invented in a collaborative way – Isaacson 

Walter Isaacson, writer of innovators. 


The information age 

began around the 1970s. 

The personal computer, the internet, fiber optic cables, intel, the world wide web, email, gps, caller ID, mobile broadband and text messaging. 


Fourth industrial Revolution 

The date began in the year 2011. 

Robotics, Internet of things, Augmented, Cobots, Virtual reality, Big data, 3D and 4D printing was introduced here. 


Hands On activity 2

L.O Explore and understand the technology that has been provided

  1. Press – The press is meant for printing. Like writing newspapers, books. Without them we wouldn’t have books, newspapers, Posters, etc. The press can contain any information whatsoever, and it can get information through to people, whether it is defamation, promoting etc. Newspapers provide news about a country’s economic situation, sports, games, entertainment, trade  and etc. The Press had been around since 1600 in Germany

Quick History of the Printing Press -

I was interested in the press because of it’s structure, it looked interesting. I wanted to try it and the mechanism looked cool too.

  1. Rotary telephone – Dialing became part of the developement of language. The Rotary telephone allowed individuals or groups of people to communicate with eachother directly despite the distance. The Rotary telephone had evolved into the Phone. The Rotary telephone was invented in November the 29th 1892.

GPO 746 Rotary Telephone • GrabOne NZ

When the rotary telephone was introduced to us, I really thought of those old movies that didn’t have modern technology. It looked very vintage and the circles looked very interesting.
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  1.  Projector -provided presentations making it more interactive, produce bigger images. Projectors shows a light reflecting into a wall, the wall captures the light and shows a screen. The screen may be anything in it. A presentation, a movie, etc. We had TVs but the projector was more efficient had less strain and presented bigger. The projector was invented in the era of 1800s.

It interested me a little because of it’s concept. It looked kind of future like but old too.



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