Hello and Hi,
It is already term 1 and the somewhere in the start of the year. This is what I’ve enjoyed and liked about term 1 so far.
What I’ve enjoyed about term 1 was the new changes, and meeting new people. Everything felt different to me and I actually enjoyed it. I met really great people in term 1 and gained new great relationships.
What I am excited to try
- New things or experiments
Subjects I am looking forward to
- Japanese: I really want to learn a new language. I’ve heard gates in japan are opening soon and I’d really want to visit japan one day. I want to memorize the alphabet and learn new things. Right now I’ve only learnt
A I U E O (AEIOU is in different order in some languages)
KA KI KU KE KO, Numbers (Ichi, Ni, San, Yon, Go, Roku, Nana, Hachi, Kyuu, Juu) and more
- Home Economics: I want to learn how to cook and prepare food by myself. I actually find it very necessary for my learning because, if I live alone or am home alone I would know what to do when working with food.
Home economics used to be referred as Food science.
Learning about food helps me learn about health and hygiene and dietary things. I know learning in home eco will definitely help me in the future.
Goals for this term
- Learn how to read piano notes faster and practice more
- Improve in Numeracy and practice basics
- Speak up more and improve in public speaking