Tea Bag Rockets SCI

Tea Bag Rockets SCI


Why did we do this experiment?: We were assigned to do another experiment but unfortunately we’ve already done it last year. We instead got to make teabag rockets, even if we’ve done it last year too, we did it again because it was more cooler to watch a tea bag fly than a solution turn blue or purple.


I’ve already done this experiment, but here is what I thought what would happen; We empty our tea bags and put the dirt into the rubbish bin , next after cutting up the top of the tea bag we unfold it and make it into a cylinder (I forgot how), then when we light it up with a lighter itself, the tea bag would flip upside down and go flying.



all equipment

Tea bag


Long popsicle stick


Cut the top of the tea bag with the scissors and pour out the herbs carefully into a small pile

https://www.coffeecupsandcrayons.com – Image

Place the tea bag on top of the herbs, ensure that the teabag is lightly placed and don’t forget that wind will already make the teabag fall

Light the popsicle stick on fire (the tip only)

Let the fire touch the tea bag and take the stick away from the tea bag

(shake or blow away the fire, don’t let yourself blow the teabag down or it won’t work)


Make a tea bag rocket : Fizzics Education


Wait for a bit and watch it fly.



The science for this experiment is convection currents

Heat makes the air inside of the bag less dense than the air outside of it which makes a convection current which lifts the ash from your burning bag and sends it flying




How does this experiment relate with our topic?

Our latest topic was about tectonic plates, the layering of the earth, and the core.

Scientists believe that tectonic plates move because of convection currents that comes from the core of the earth and circulate under the asthenospate

Processes of convection currents

  1. The outer core

Heat is generated in the earth’s core by the decay of radioactive elements and heat ramaining from the formation of the earth

2. Convection

The heat slowly rises through the mantle to the asthenosphere

3.Ridge push

The intrusion of magma into an oceanic ridge pushes the plates away

4. Plates float on the convection currents of the asthenosphere

5. Slab pull

The cooling slab of denser oceanic slab sinks into the subduction zone.

Convection Currents - 8TH-GRADE SCIENCE

WGA Article Summary wk10

Danish artist ordered to repay museum for exhibiting blank canvases


A Danish artist was commanded to pay 119k NZ dollars to a museum after giving them two blank canvasses for a piece that he named: “Take the Money and Run.”

An artist took $84,000 in cash from a museum and handed in blank canvases  titled "Take the Money and Run." He's been ordered to return some of it -  CBS News

Jens Haaning was supposed to embed the 500,00 Danish Kroner in banknotes that he got from the Kunsten Museum in Aalborg into the framed fabric.

Instead, he got the cash and handed over 2 empty white canvasses.

“The work is that I have taken their money”

The 20221 art project was meant to be a statement on salaries in Denmark and Austria but drew a demand from the museum for the artist to return the 61k pounds they had given them

Haaning refused which led to a legal battle over the blank frames.
On monday a court in Copenhagen ordered him to refund the museum but said he could roughly keep 4k pounds of the cash for his expenses and artist’s fee.

After his defeat, Haaning, whose work focusses on power and inequality, told the dr.dk website he would not be appealing the judgement.

“It has been good for my work, but it also puts me in an unmanageable situation where I don’t really know what to do,” he said.

‘The work is I have taken their money’
The conceptual artist was commissioned to recreate two earlier works that used banknotes fixed to canvas to show average incomes.

Museum director Lasse Andersson said that he had laughed out loud when he saw the artworks in 2021.

“He stirred up my curatorial staff and he also stirred me up a bit, but I also had a laugh because it was really humoristic,” he told the BBC at the time.

But he also told the Guardian, “We are not a wealthy museum.… We have to think carefully about how we spend our funds, and we don’t spend more than we can afford.”

At the time, Haaning told local media, “The work is that I have taken their money. It’s not theft. It is breach of contract, and breach of contract is part of the work.

“I encourage other people who have working conditions as miserable as mine to do the same. If they’re sitting in some shitty job and not getting paid, and are actually being asked to pay money to go to work, then grab what you can and beat it.”

My thoughts and comment on the article: 

I thought the canvasses were kind of funny and silly. I kind of believe that he kind of was genuine of that being actual art, because the art kind of potrays the title. But then again maybe it could be not genuine and was just an act to gain the money.

SO, I have many feelings towards it but I’d like to think of it as actual art.

Weekly Reflection wk9

This week I felt a sense of belonging when: 

Made some plans

This week I felt a sense of accomplishment when I 

Finished work after school

This week what I noticed about my feelings and emotions was: 

OK, but nothing new really.

This week I want my teacher to know: 

Nothing much

This week I felt affirmed to my unique identity when: 

Went to piano class and showed some new things to my tutor.

SCI – Natural Selection experiment

Gloock Font Generator Preview

Stephanie Perez

Natural selection theory of evolution - AnthroMania


What I believed this experiment was going to be was just a little try out on scooping a variety of randomised objects and imagining them as animals with these kinds of mouths (the tools are potrayed to be mouths of a certain animal)


Sort out a table like below.

  • Have a group of 4
  • A plate with the food source. (Paper, Rice, Rubber bands)
  • Have the tools from the table below.
  • A timer
  • Have an evaporating dish
  • Grab a scientific scale

Each person will get a turn, scooping up the “food sources” using the tool. Only one hand is allowed.

Set the scale to 0

Make sure that nothing around it is being leaned on as it will increase or maybe decrease the number.

Add the evaporating dish on top of the scale.

Start the timer and the person who is scooping will start at the same time.

Once the timer has stopped, the person stops too. Make sure to write down what is written on the scale onto the table.

Then the next person will have a turn (make sure they have a different tool). After all tools had completed their turns, a next food source will swap.

(Note: if your tool is having trouble scooping certain items, do not worry as it’s for the science)



Food source Spoon Tweezers Scissors Spatula
Rice 40.51 2.18 1.41 4.23
Rubber bands 9.35 13.76 10.02 8.00
Pins 25.93 24.67 1.60 0.26
Flour 62.44 16.95 17.44 24.65
Paper 1.29 0.7 1.29 0.16


Using the table and results here, imagine the tools as animals and their mouths.

This can indicate which “mouth” has the best capability of eating the “food source” The animals with the best results of the food source can mean that they would be more fitting to eat this kind of food.

This potrays Natural Selection.

A process where animals adapt to their surrounding environments which can help the animals in surviving and reproducing in the specific environment. Selection for Survival - Issuu

For example, Giraffes with long necks to eat leaves off of tall trees.


My hypothesis was somewhat right, but it was too brief on ideas.

Our experiment helped me alot to understand how Natural Selection works.

When the tools and results are being compared, it helped me understand how animals can work like this too.


Week 8 Reflection WGA 2023

This week I felt a sense of belonging when: 

Had some rest.  Felt tidy and organised at one point

This week I felt a sense of accomplishment when I 

Completed some activities

This week what I noticed about my feelings and emotions was: 

Okay and fine

This week I want my teacher to know: 

Nothing really

This week I felt affirmed to my unique identity when: 

When I did pretty well at a group activity


Article summary

An 11-year-old boy caught a fish with ‘human-like teeth’ in an Oklahoma pond
(July the 19th in 2023)

Charlie and his mother, was by a pond behind their house, She was watching her son fish, sitting on her back porch.
Until he started yelling for her.

“Oh my God, mom! Oh my God”

Mom said “I thought he was just being dramatic, to be honest.”

She then gets a close look at Charlie’s catch.
“Obviously being in a neighborhood pond, we’re used to just catching a few bass or catfish,” she said. “I mean, nothing with human-like teeth.”

Charlie had actually landed a pacu. A fish that’s a cousin of the piranha. Their outsized teeth have long struck fear in swimmers.
The pacu is a native of south America. But it was swimming in a small ponf in the Clinton’s suburb north of Oklahoma City.

Janna told NPR that her son reeled the fish on his own.
“He was the only one down there fishing and he did a great job”

The pacu was released back into the water, the Clintons posted a photo of the unusual fish to their neighborhood FB page.

Others who then later recognized the fish claimed that it was an invasive fish and shouldn’t be released.
Charlie has been stalking the fish ever since.

He did stay at the ponds pretty late that night trying to catch it again. Janna said, adding that her son has been rising early and staying at the pond late, hoping to get another bite from that pacu.

“If he catches it again, we’re going to get it mounted for him. I think that’s a heck of a prize and he deserves it,” she said. “I told him we’d make it look like the fish was smiling so you could see its teeth.”


Ball Biter': How Dangerous Is the Pacu Fish, Really? | Snopes.com


Rugby World Cup

The 2023 Rugby world cup will be held in France, home of the Eiffel tower and renowned as one of the most romantic countries in the world.

What countries are competing?

New Zealand, France, Italy, Uruguay, Namibia (Pool A); South Africa, Ireland, Scotland, Tonga, Romania (Pool B); Wales, Australia, Fiji, Georgia, Portugal (Pool C); and England, Japan, Argentina, Samoa, and Chile (Pool D)

Who were the top 4 countries at the last world cup?

New Zealand, South Africa, = 3 times.

Australia = 2 times , and England once

Where do you predict that the All Blacks will place?

Probably first or in the same place as Africa.

What date will the final be played?

19 November 2022

Choose one of the All Blacks and write a short profile about them:



Positions played

Place they live in NZ: Otago

Which area do they play for: New Zealand (maybe Oamaru)

Include a photo

Richie McCaw | Wigglepedia | Fandom

Ebola Health wk6 2023 Term 3

Ebola 25/08/2023


In Health we have been studying about Death, Dying, and the Afterlife. We have learned about some different cultural beliefs and traditions.

Our task is to select a topic to investigate.

The topic that I was interested in was Killer Diseases. For this area, I’ve chosen to learn about Ebola.

Ebola is a disease that originates in the country of Africa, bats were first reported to have the ebola disease spread to an individual.

The Story Of Ebola

This video demonstrates well about the disease.

According to the video: Ebola can occur in the body by cuts, small openings in the body, the eyes,
The disease is contagious and can be passed to one another by sweat, tears, mucus, saliva, diarrhea, urine, sexual fluids and small cuts. The disease can enter to our body through our eyes, mouth and nose.


Primary signs of ebola consists of: fever, aches and pains, muscle and joint pain
weakness and fatigue
loss of appetite
external and internal bleeding
vomiting, diarrhoa, rashes.


Without prompt and appropriate treatment, 90% of people who become infected with ebola die.
The first outbreak in 2014-2016 was infected via exposure to bats. In addition, EVD has also documented people who handled infected chimpanzees, gorillas and forest antelopes.

Ebola: Is bushmeat behind the outbreak? - BBC News


Ebola viruses were first discovered in 1976. Two outbreaks of fatal hemorrhagic fever occurred in different parts of central africa

According to cdc.gov there is a vaccine the treats ebola. “ERVEBO® (Ebola Zaire Vaccine, Live also known as V920, rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP or rVSV-ZEBOV) is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the prevention of disease caused by Ebola virus (EBOV; species Zaire ebolavirus) in individuals 18 years of age and older as a single dose administration.”

First Ebola vaccine approved by the FDA


Source from BBC.News

Bushmeat is believed to be the origin of the Ebola outbreak.



How Ebola spreads


Hauora Dimensions

How does this affect the dimensions.

I’ve selected 3 dimensions which was: Taha Hinegaro, Taha Tinana, Taha Whanau.

taha hinengaro – mental health and emotions;
• taha tinana – physical health,
• taha whānau – whānau

Taha Hinengaro- Ebola can cause depression, fatigue and anxiety. Sometimes those who are infected may lose hope and believe that they will die. If a loss occurs, this can affect them emotionally. By this they will cope with stress and change.

Taha whānau-
Ebola affects families as it separates a family member which whom is infected. Which causes emotional stress etc. A family can lose any member.
But if the family overcomes, they can learn to grow and adapt and cope well.

• taha tinana – physical health
Ebola affects by fever, severe headacje, muscle pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. Late symptoms include bleeding, organ failure and often death.

Get Rich or Die Trying Social Studies 2023

First groups of words that you need to learn for this unit of work


Word Meaning  Use in a sentence
Concept (this first one is done for you) It is a thought, an idea.  Something that is conceived in the mind. The concept of an equitably world is easy to imagine but difficult to create.
Wealth The amount of possessions you own such as value and money. He struggles and does not have much wealth.
Disparity Unfairness disparities between countries.
Manipulate To control and influence He managed to manipulate their decisions
Poor Lack of wealth He was considered a poor person
Critical thinking The ability to objectively and form a judgement He had critical thinking
Skills The ability to do something well I have no skills in this topic
Empathy To understand and feel the same as the subject She had empathy for him as he began to cry
Equality State of being equal There wasn’t enough equality in the game
Equity quality of being fair Equity of treatment

Weekly Reflection wk6

This week I felt a sense of belonging when: 

We were making a plane for WGA

This week I felt a sense of accomplishment when I 

Finished my essay for social studies

This week what I noticed about my feelings and emotions was: 

Okay, sometimes kind of fun

This week I want my teacher to know: 

Nothing really

This week I felt affirmed to my unique identity when: 

We did some more art activities such as poster making.

Environmental justice

Case Study

They’re all separated by wealth, ethnicity, income. When the people are in the lower class area, they tend to have less greenery, more polluted and industrial things that affect the environment. There will be fruits but it is much expensive.

In the higher class area – the place has alot of greenery and stable buildings, advanced environment, more cleaner and more fruits.

Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice has been defined as “the just distribution of environmental risk and benefits amongst the population and the right of all to meaningful participation in environmental decision-making. ”

Communities living under the poverty line have a 35% higher burden from air pollution than the overall population

  • Breaks down barrier.
  • Where the rich often at an advantage in their lives

In the USA, people of colour make up nearly half of the population in fence-line zones (areas closest to hazardous chemical facilities). They’re almost twice as likely as white people to live in these zones.

  1. People with less money buy houses in industrial, smokey, polluted areas.
  2. First nations people are not looked after well by the government and community
  3. Those who are rich are being rewarded for buying electric vehicles.

In many countries around the world, governments are implementing subsidies for “clean cars” (for example electric, hybrid or low emission cars) and adding fees on “dirty cars” (ie utes and other high emission vehicles.)

Greenhouse Gas emissions started rising steadily from the 1940s, meaning that many people responsible for that damage will not be alive to suffer full consequences. But children born today will spend most of their lives dealing with the impact. They’ll have to emit 8 times less carbon than their grandparents just to keep us at a 1.5 degree increase in global temperature.

Closer to home : in small groups