Tea Bag Rockets SCI
Why did we do this experiment?: We were assigned to do another experiment but unfortunately we’ve already done it last year. We instead got to make teabag rockets, even if we’ve done it last year too, we did it again because it was more cooler to watch a tea bag fly than a solution turn blue or purple.
I’ve already done this experiment, but here is what I thought what would happen; We empty our tea bags and put the dirt into the rubbish bin , next after cutting up the top of the tea bag we unfold it and make it into a cylinder (I forgot how), then when we light it up with a lighter itself, the tea bag would flip upside down and go flying.
all equipment
Tea bag
Long popsicle stick
Cut the top of the tea bag with the scissors and pour out the herbs carefully into a small pile
https://www.coffeecupsandcrayons.com – Image
Place the tea bag on top of the herbs, ensure that the teabag is lightly placed and don’t forget that wind will already make the teabag fall
Light the popsicle stick on fire (the tip only)
Let the fire touch the tea bag and take the stick away from the tea bag
(shake or blow away the fire, don’t let yourself blow the teabag down or it won’t work)
Wait for a bit and watch it fly.
The science for this experiment is convection currents
Heat makes the air inside of the bag less dense than the air outside of it which makes a convection current which lifts the ash from your burning bag and sends it flying
How does this experiment relate with our topic?
Our latest topic was about tectonic plates, the layering of the earth, and the core.
Scientists believe that tectonic plates move because of convection currents that comes from the core of the earth and circulate under the asthenospate
Processes of convection currents
- The outer core
Heat is generated in the earth’s core by the decay of radioactive elements and heat ramaining from the formation of the earth
2. Convection
The heat slowly rises through the mantle to the asthenosphere
3.Ridge push
The intrusion of magma into an oceanic ridge pushes the plates away
4. Plates float on the convection currents of the asthenosphere
5. Slab pull
The cooling slab of denser oceanic slab sinks into the subduction zone.