Sustainability at School

Date: 19th of July

Kaitiakitanga is a Maori term described as guardianship or protection. (to preserve, keep, conserve, watch over, protect) 

Case study – 

Actsmart Schools – Sustainable School grounds

Start a student green team,

get some outdoor helpers

Areas for learning

Check if recycling bins are being used properly.

Create habitats to wildlife.

Save money

spot the birds that enter the school

5 things that the schools were doing

  1. They were saving money
  2. They found new ways to build a better eco system for their school (e.g solar panelling)
  3. Checked if recycling bins are being used properly.
  4. They created new areas for learning.
  5. created composts for chickens



Case Study – Coded Bias

Coded Bias (2020) - IMDb

What is meant by coded bias:
Coded Bias is said by lack of legal structures for articicial intelligence, and that as a a result, human rights violated,human%20rights%20are%20being%20violated.

What is this doco about? 

From my notes,

Joy Adowaa Buolamwini was a researcher and studied subjects revolving AI, technology, etc. 

Joy realised that the systems didn’t recognise people in a darker skin colour but identified white people much more. This even applies on the gender, if the individual is male, it is easily recognised unlike females. The expectation of the systems are: white men. This is one of the examples of ai that Joy found to be a segment of coded bias.

Back then, intelligence could be defined by the ability to win games such as chess etc.

In Hong Kong, China, they also use facial recognition to identify protestors. Protestors are also damaging and spray painting cameras. 

In London, England, they now have facial recognitions in some certain areas, to identify an individual that has commited a crime. Although the facial recognition technology is biased. The AI is highly inaccurate, when a criminal is black, the facial recognition technology targets people with dark skin, whether if they were the criminal or not.

There was also a clip of the doco where a man was fined for simply covering his face near the facial recognition van.

The researchers in the docoseries also found some evidence with Amazon’s AI to hire employees which had an algorithm that was biased against women. The reason for that was because the algorithm was based on the number of resumes submitted over the past ten years, and since most of the applicants were men, it was trained to favor men over women.

When the researches put their work on the internet, Amazon had attempted to discredit the researcher’s work.



These are the notes I wrote down while watching the docoseries

Stephanie’s Notes 

Coded bias – The systems do not recognise many people in a darker skin color, they recognise males much more better than females. 

Joy Adowaa Buolamwini 

Technology could be subjectable to bias. 

Ai started with a meeting at Dartmouth math department. 

Intelligence could be defined – by the ability to win in chess games etc. 

People embed their own biases into technology. 

Cathy O’ Neil talked about how AI impacted people’s lives. She was also aware of the algorithms. 

Police use facial recognition surveillance in some areas. 

Facial recognition was reported to have bias. The facial recognition has inaccuracy.

The percentage of people marked that turned out to be innocent are high. 

In Hong Kong, China, they also use facial recognition to identify protestors. Protestors are also damaging and spray painting cameras. 

China is really ideal to communist parties. 

The Chinese communist parties collect data. They have surveillance platforms such as Temu, Tiktok, etc.

London, England as a democratic country, is also following China’s surveillance of facial recognition.  

There are algorithms that determine certain information like who gets rejected/hired etc.

Amazon had abandoned AI. The AI rejects anything related to women, as they’re biassed against women. 

Every technology is being recorded, analysed etc. They work as surveillance now. As the lady compared the Big Brother watch with the technology being used today. 

2010 Facebook experimented on 10 thousand people. They matched people’s names to voter rolls. Facebook moved 300,000 people.

Someone can gain power by paying facebook to promote them for votes. 

AI can be manipulated just by input by users. 

Amazon had attempted to discredit their works on research. The benefit to Amazon by discrediting is for profiting.  


Being Inclusive -Health work term 2

Being inclusive means including others and accepting them for being who they are.

For this unit we’ve learnt about inclusiveness with gender,

Inclusive community
Where everyone regardless of age, sex, body type, gender identity, religion, level of income, physical ability and sexuality feels safe and welcome.

Sexuality and Gender

Sex – The label that others are given at birth. It depends on their hormones, genitals or chromosomes.
Intersex – A person who was born with genitals that do not fit with typicial male or female anatomy. Intersex people might also have internal organs, sex hormones and chromosomes which is different to what is typical for a man or female body

Cisgender – describes people whose gender matches their assigned sex.

Agender – Someone who doesn’t identify with any gender.

Transgender – A person whose gender doesn’t match the sex assigned at birth

Gender fluid – A person whose gender identity changes over time

Gender diverse – To describe people who feel that their gender doesn’t fit into the binary of female and male but also don’t identify as being transgender


Stereotype – oversimplified, exaggerated ideas or beliefs about entire groups of people.
The problem is that some people believe stereotypes are true and believe that they can tell us what individual people are really like 

Stereotypes all involve every group of people, Lgbtq+, their ability, their body type, race, religion, etc.

Society places genders into what they believe they’re supposed to be doing and not supposed to be doing. For example, a boy cooks but society only wants them to be doing other jobs

Some of the stereotypes are: all christians are generous, Muslims are terrorists, girls should be in the kitchen and wear dresses, Boys can’t wear skirts, shouldn’t cook.



Family, Kinship
Kinship refers to the ways that people are related in the past present or future whether by blood
Families provide crucial, emotional, practical and financial support for their members. Families help to protect vulnerable members.

Families are the most important source of support for a person’s wellbeing.
People who live in a stable and socially accepted family groups are healthier and report higher levels of wellbeing.

family is not a universal. Different cultures define family very differently. Definitions of family also change within a culture over time


Relationships and Importance of Assertiveness – Health work term 2

Hello, we’ve been doing some tasks from education perfect to help us learn about relationships. This is what I’ve learnt

A relationship is a connection between others, whether is relation by blood or any kind of connection.

It can be either: Friends, Teachers, Parents, Siblings, Co-worker, etc.

There are several types of families too.

  • Same-sex family
  • Single Parent family
  • Blended family
  • Extended family
  • Foster or adoptive family
  • Nuclear family

These relationships can also be impacted if a situation occurs, or an action that they’ve done, etc, they can affect our feelings in any kind of way.

Our first relationship can form from when we were babies or any age.

Most commonly, people’s first relationship form from when they were babies. Humans when they’re born are helpless unless a caretaker comes in to raise them.

Humans have a desire to form connections with other people.

How does this impact our Hauora

taha hinengaro – mental health and emotions

Relationships can affect this negatively and positively. Depends on their actions. They can either support you when your mental health comes out a little challenging or maybe be the cause of making you mental health challenging.

taha wairua – spiritual health 

Relationships can also bring you into different kinds of faith.

taha tinana – physical health

You can do physical activities with them. Some of their actions that could impact our feelings can be physical not just verbally or etc.

Taha Whanau – Relationships

I think this topic is just based on Taha Whanau. Taha Whanau works on family, friends and more.

Importance of Assertiveness

There are types of communication styles


  • Competitive: I must win
  • Stands up for own rights: ignores rights of others
  • Puts others down
  • Does not listen to others; Overrides feelings and wishes
  • Defensive, hostile; may use verbal or physical abuse
  • Has little real self-esteem
  • Leaves behind hurt and humiliated feelings


  • stands up for own rights and recognises the rights of others
  • accepts own positive and negative personal characteristics, and accepts other people’s characteristics
  • Respects self and others
  • expresses needs ideas and feelings
  • Accepts responsibility for choices and behaviour
  • Has high self-esteem
  • Relates confidently to others


  • Doormat behaviour; sees self as a victim, a loser
  • -ignores own rights and allows others to infringe on own rights
  • Does not state own needs, ideas or feelings
  • Allows others to make decisions for them
  • is emotionally dishonest – actions and words are not in accord with feelings. Which leads to suppressed anger and resentment
  • Eventually alienates others with negative outlook
  • has low self esteem


  • Subtle, hidden behaviour
  • Manipulates rather than facing confrontation and risking being rejected
  • Gets needs met by making others feel guilty, or by getting others to act on their own behalf
  • Appears to think well of others but there is an undercurrent of disapproval
  • Leaves others feeling puzzled, thwarted or guilty
  • Has little real self-esteem

Being assertive helps you to focus on your goal and is self-aware. Being true to yourself and builds self esteem. It shows respect to your right and other’s rights. It can help you express yourself effectively stand up for your point of view


taha hinengaro – mental health and emotions

Assertiveness helps you find your importance and priorities. This can help you acknowledge how you feel and what is and what is not okay and acknowledge how others feel.

taha wairua – spiritual health 

Helps you focus on your goal. Being true to yourself. Lets you express yourself.

taha tinana – physical health

Assertiveness usually results you into having a happy feeling. It can make you release a chemical called dopamine which is good for you.

This can also help benefit you for what’s good for your body.

Taha Whanau – Relationships

Assertiveness can enable you to benefit yourself and for others. This can impact your mental health alot. You can easily grow your circle and make friends easily.

Futurism SOS

Hello ! this is Stephanie, I’ve been researching about the inventions throughout the periods of time.

This task also helped me realise how lucky we are and how far we’ve come. My thoughts are: what kind of technology awaits for us in the near future?

Here is my timeline.

(Instead of clicking the link of the document that I’ve created, I’ve put all my work into the post for you to read.)

(in the document, I’ve included pictures of the eras)


Prehistoric Technology- Stones (also stone age)

 Stone ages- stones

Most tools in the stone age were created to potentially help humans survive. These tools are used for hunting, agriculture and food preparation. They were made out of different stones and this is the reason that this time period is known as the stone age 


Metal ages– period of history that began to smelt metal “metallurgy”, or the working of metal. The metals that are primarily used were copper, bronze and iron. Which opens the door to allowing humans to use these to produce new tools.


Inventions are: the dagger, the sword, etc. Human civilization is in part because of the development of metal tools. 


Classical Antiquity – Inventions which are made by ancient Greeks include: rotary mills, screws, water clocks, water organs etc.

These inventions had occured in the Greek period. These inventions were created to improve weapons and tactics in war. There are peaceful uses though from their early development. 



– The windmill, spinning wheel, gun powder, and clock was invented in the medieval period. Although there are devices that are created to torture. The medieval era has been a very brutal time. (TW: torture devices, gore description) 


A very well known torture device is 


  1. The stake – this form of torture was invariably fatal. Create a pile of dry wood with a stake at the center to tie the victim to and light it on fire. 


  1. The Rack

The victim was tied down while a crank or turning wheel tightened the ropes, stretching the victim’s body until the joints were dislocated. Continued pressure could cause the limbs to be torn right off. 


All of this information comes from the informative website called



This time is mostly known for its beautiful era for paintings. Here are some inventions that are made during this era: The musket, Eyeglasses, Telescope, Printing press,

“The printing press was the invention that helped spread renaissance ideas around Europe.”  according to 



The enlightenment had introduced us to the circulation of blood, optics, the microscope, calculus


Calculus is the mathematical study of change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of operations and their application to solving equations. – Science direct,their%20application%20to%20solving%20equations.


First Industrial Revolution Technology inventions 

The spinning jenny, cotton gin, the steam engine and the telegraph

according to, there are 7 major inventions of the second industrial revolution

which is the telegraph, the telephone, the modern light bulb, the assembly line, the automobile, aircraft, and the construction of the transcontinental railroad.


Second industrial revolution 

in the second industrial revolution, there was 

Petroleum, steel, electricity and was majorly used 

Automatic signals, air brakes, the telephone, electric light and typewriter 


Machine, atomic jet & space ages 

Wireless headsets, LED lighting, portable cordless vacuums, freeze-dried foods, memory foam, scratch resistant eyeglass lenses.,space%20technology%20research%20and%20development.


Digital revolution 

The date of the digital revolution is the late half of the 20th century. Also known as the third industrial revolution

Computers, Microprocessors, digital cellular phones and the Internet. 

The microchip, computer and the internet did not have single inventors but were all invented in a collaborative way – Isaacson 

Walter Isaacson, writer of innovators. 


The information age 

began around the 1970s. 

The personal computer, the internet, fiber optic cables, intel, the world wide web, email, gps, caller ID, mobile broadband and text messaging. 


Fourth industrial Revolution 

The date began in the year 2011. 

Robotics, Internet of things, Augmented, Cobots, Virtual reality, Big data, 3D and 4D printing was introduced here. 


Hands On activity 2

L.O Explore and understand the technology that has been provided

  1. Press – The press is meant for printing. Like writing newspapers, books. Without them we wouldn’t have books, newspapers, Posters, etc. The press can contain any information whatsoever, and it can get information through to people, whether it is defamation, promoting etc. Newspapers provide news about a country’s economic situation, sports, games, entertainment, trade  and etc. The Press had been around since 1600 in Germany

Quick History of the Printing Press -

I was interested in the press because of it’s structure, it looked interesting. I wanted to try it and the mechanism looked cool too.

  1. Rotary telephone – Dialing became part of the developement of language. The Rotary telephone allowed individuals or groups of people to communicate with eachother directly despite the distance. The Rotary telephone had evolved into the Phone. The Rotary telephone was invented in November the 29th 1892.

GPO 746 Rotary Telephone • GrabOne NZ

When the rotary telephone was introduced to us, I really thought of those old movies that didn’t have modern technology. It looked very vintage and the circles looked very interesting.
optoma-eh500-full-hd-dlp-projector-optoma-eh500-1080p-4700-lumens-3d-dlp-network-proj-optoma-eh500-full-hd-dlp-projector-optoma-eh500-1080p-4700-lumens-3d- ...

  1.  Projector -provided presentations making it more interactive, produce bigger images. Projectors shows a light reflecting into a wall, the wall captures the light and shows a screen. The screen may be anything in it. A presentation, a movie, etc. We had TVs but the projector was more efficient had less strain and presented bigger. The projector was invented in the era of 1800s.

It interested me a little because of it’s concept. It looked kind of future like but old too.



Tech article Summary

No Cellphone? No Problem! The Vintage radio Enthusiasts prepping for Disaster

Article source: The Guardian

Glenn Morrison, 75 Lives in the California Desert, ponytailed.

He tells a tale concerning an ant and a grasshopper.
“One industrious ant readies for winter by stocking up on food and supplies while an aimless grasshopper wastes time and doesn’t plan ahead. When the cold weather finally arrives, the ant is “fat and happy”, but the grasshopper starves.”
Morrison is the ant and those who dont prepare themselves for future emergencies are the grasshoppers.
Morrison is the president of the Desert rats. A club that’s dedicated to everything ham radio.
One of ham’s radios biggest draws is it’s convenience in an emergency. If disaster strikes, radio operators can spring into action and help with emergency response communications, and able to keep in contact with their own networks.
100,000 licensed radio operators in California, called hams from 40 years ago.
“Ham Radio” “is like the original social media.” – Morrison
“I’ve always wanted to be ready for what’s next”

Thoughts on the article:

I feel like this article is nice, it explains to use about Glenn Morrison. I loved the detail where the article mentioned “pony-tailed” I really loved the story about the ant and grasshopper, it really shows a more broader perspective


Wind Racer Blog

Aim: To have the prettiest windracer

Research: http://

Method and equipment

For the sail, we’ve printed the lorax, O’hare, Despicable me’s gru’s car, Minions, blue emojis and our teacher’s photo

Provided materials

  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Tape
  • String
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Bamboo stick
  • Race trolley


(I’m so sorry I can’t rotate the pictures so you’re gonna have to rotate your head)


What are the 4 main forces acting on your wind racer –

  1. Non-contact force, Thrust, Friction, Gravity.
  2. What forces made the racer go faster / slower  | Slower- friction | Faster – Thrust
  3. What would make some wind racers go faster / slower? – Lesser friction
  4. What is speed- motion travelling either faster or slower



Although we did not win the wind race, we did win for which windracer was more appealing to the eye.

We reached our goal (aim)

Conclusion: The wind racer’s purpose wasn’t fulfilled although I think we did a good job decorating the windracer. I wasn’t present during this activity. Although I’ve heard from a associate that the windracer that we built did not make it well. The wind had blown it and it went backwards.

Article summary Social Studies task 2

Article link:

This article explains about the leaked design models and changes to the next iphone


Before apple introduces the new iphone, had found dummy models of the iphone 15 and it confirms design changes and modifications on the charging port

According to the article, Every smartphone except for the iphone, has been using the usb-c. “Last year, the European Union ruled Apple must implement USB-C in devices sold in Europe from 2024 onward, a bid to reduce electronic waste and simplify the charging process for users.”


Projectile motion

Projectile Motion


B –                                  Angle of release

I –                                   sped of release

O –                                  Height of release

M –                                 Air resistance (wind)

E                                    Temperature

T                                     Mass of the projectile






During this period we’ve learnt about bones

  • Cranium – Skull
  • Vertrebal column – Spine
  • Sternum – Breast bone
  • Clavicle – Collar bone
  • Humerus – funny bone
  • Scapula – Shoulder blade
  • Radius – Thumb side of arm
  • Ulna – Pinky side of arm
  • Metacarpals – Fingers
  • Carpals – Hand bones
  • Pelvic bone – hip bone
  • Femur – thigh bone
  • Patella – Knee Cap
  • Fibula – Shin bone
  • Tibia – shin bone
  • Metatarsals – foot bones
  • Tarsals – feet bones / toes
  • Phalanges – hand bones and toes
  • Mandible – Jaw

(206 bones in the anatomy)




Basketball (ball) - Wikipedia

The term basketball comes from

” For that first game of basketball in 1891, Naismith used as goals two half-bushel peach baskets, which gave the sport its name. The students were enthusiastic.”


Naismith’s original rules

There were only thirteen rules of “basket ball”:

According to wikipedia

  1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.
  2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands.
  3. A player cannot run with the ball, the player must throw it from the spot on which he catches it, allowance to be made for a man who catches the ball when running at good speed.
  4. The ball must be held in or between the hands, the arms or body must not be used for holding it.
  5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping or striking in any way the person of an opponent shall be allowed. The first infringement of this rule by any person shall count as a foul, the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made, or if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of the game, no substitute.
  6. A foul is striking the ball with the fist, violation of rules 3 and 4, and such as described in rule 5.
  7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls it shall count a goal for opponents.
  8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from grounds into the basket and stays there. If the ball rests on the edge and the opponent moves the basket it shall count as a goal.
  9. When the ball goes out of bounds it shall be thrown into the field and played by the person first touching it. In case of a dispute, the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The “thrower-in” is allowed five seconds. If he holds it longer it shall go to the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall call a foul on them.
  10. The umpire shall be the judge of the men and shall note the fouls, and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have been made.
  11. The referee shall be the judge of the ball and shall decide when the ball is in play, in-bounds, and to which side it belongs, and shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made and keep account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed by a referee.
  12. The time shall be fifteen-minute halves, with five-minute rests between.
  13. The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the winner. In the case of a draw, the game may, by agreement of the captains, be continued until another goal is made.

Original rules are

What Are The Five Rules In Basketball That You Need To Know?

(according to SportsUnfold)

What Are The Five Rules In Basketball That You Need To Know?

1. Only Five Players Per Team On The Court

Every team can roll out their game on the grounds with only five players. The rule is in the various popular and professional tournaments in Basketball like NBA, NCAA, and WNBA.

The team loses possession of the ball if they break the main rule. The rule sometimes gets broken when the substitute players enter into the ground and other doesn’t leave the court in time.

2. You Score Should Be More Than The Opponent

In the scenario where you wish to win the game, your score should be more than the goals of the opponent in the field. There are going to be two or three points that can be worth the field goals.

Three points are with the field goals that are taken from outside the arc. Jump shots, layups, slam drunks, tip-ins are worth the field goals.

3. Score Should Be Within Shot Clock

During the giving possession, the team has an offer of a limited amount of time where they can shoot the ball. The possession time is 24 seconds in the tournaments like NBA and WNBA. However, the time is 30 seconds for the teams in NCAA. The count down is displayed in the court by the shot clock which is mounted about the hoop on each side.

The opposing team forfeits the ball after the shot clock elapses and it becomes the defensive team.

4. Dribbling Ball Advances

The ball can only be advanced by the basketball players where the passing or the dribbling is in the move up or down the court. The player must pass the ball or shoot if they stop dribbling and not resuming. The player in the offensive position stops and then continues to dribble the ball.

And this dribbling occurs before passing or shooting then it is termed as “double dribble” by the referee and the ball goes to the opposing team.

The ball can only be advanced by dribbling it. They are traveling if they run while holding the ball.\/h

5. To Inbound The Ball The Offense Has 5 Secs

The opposing team gets the possession after the offense scores a basket. The ball has to be inbound by one of the players from a designated spot on the sidelines of the court where they can resume the gameplay.

There are 5 seconds with the player where they have been designated for another team. Whenever the offensive player is trying to inbound the defender cannot contact the ball or it is a technical foul.


Communication styles

Communication styles


Face, indifferent, neutral, passive icon - Download on Iconfinder

  • Doormat behaviour; sees self as a victim, a loser
  • -ignores own rights and allows others to infringe on own rights
  • Does not state own needs, ideas or feelings
  • Allows others to make decisions for them
  • is emotionally dishonest – actions and words are not in accord with feelings. Which leads to suppressed anger and resentment
  • Eventually alienates others with negative outlook
  • has low self esteem


Smiling emoticon square face - Free interface icons

  • stands up for own rights and recognises the rights of others
  • accepts own positive and negative personal characteristics, and accepts other people’s characteristics
  • Respects self and others
  • expresses needs ideas and feelings
  • Accepts responsibility for choices and behaviour
  • Has high self-esteem
  • Relates confidently to others


Aggression - Free miscellaneous icons 

  • Competitive: I must win
  • Stands up for own rights: ignores rights of others
  • Puts others down
  • Does not listen to others; Overrides feelings and wishes
  • Defensive, hostile; may use verbal or physical abuse
  • Has little real self-esteem
  • Leaves behind hurt and humiliated feelings

Passive aggressive 

Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder Line Icon 14812747 Vector Art at  Vecteezy

  • Subtle, hidden behaviour
  • Manipulates rather than facing confrontation and risking being rejected
  • Gets needs met by making others feel guilty, or by getting others to act on their own behalf
  • Appears to think well of others but there is an undercurrent of disapproval
  • Leaves others feeling puzzled, thwarted or guilty
  • Has little real self-esteem


Benefits of being assertive

  • You can stand up for others and yourself
  • Become more confident
  • You stand your ground and you tell others how you feel
  • You become more accepting
  • You are more self-accepting
  • Become more self-assured (higher-selfworth)
  • Be more honest with yourself and others
  • Become better to able to express yourself and say not and yes for myself
  • Become more aware of my rights and the rights of others.