Calm Challenge

Hello, for WGA today, we’re doing a calm challenge.

EP# 041: Mindfulness — Dr. O

How to do the calm challenge.

from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

5 – We write in our books or anything about 5 things we can see right now in our surroundings

5 things that I can see right now

  • My classmates
  • Students walking down the halls
  • Tables
  • Carpet
  • Chromebooks

4 – Write down 4 things that you can hear right now

4 Things that I can hear

  • Our teacher speaking
  • keyboards clicking
  • people murmuring
  • Coughing

3- things that you can feel

3 Things that I can feel

  • My clothes
  • My chair
  • My keyboard

2- Write down 2 things you can smell

2 things I can smell

  • School air
  • perfume
1- Write down one thing you can taste

1 thing I can taste

  • Toothpaste (I brushed my teeth this morning)
According to research
Mindfulness can: help relieve stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, , improve sleep, and alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties

Making Indicators

Aim: To make indicators out of household items


  • Tea
  • Cabbage
  • Beetroot
  • Cranberry Juice
  • Tumeric
Indicators Acid Base
Tea (clear yellow) Clear yellow Yellowish Orange
Cabbage (purple) Pinkish hot red greenish light yellow
Beetroot (purple) Dark Purple Dim Yellow
Cranberry Juice (light red) Light reddish pink Lime Green
Tumeric (yellow) Yellow Orange

These can be used to tell us is something is an acid, a base or a neutral.

In conclusion

If the colour changes into a very different colour that is not similar to the colour you had before, it indicates whether if it is a base or an acid


Figurative Language

With this slide, I’ve learnt what a hyperbole was, a simile, some writing skills

This could help alot for my upcoming essays

What is a hyperbole?

An Hyperbole is an exaggeration of facts. For example: “I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse!” “The wind could fly me away”

A Simile                                                                                                                                                                                                            To compare a subject with another but is unlike. Using like or as “She was as slippery as an eel”

Using these types of figurative language can help form the idea you are trying to give to your audience. The figurative language isn’t very literal, but it does help the readers know what the subject is like



Propaganda Social Studies

A Nazi is Smart... He Invents New Ways to Save Time and Raw Materials -  It's You Against Him - World War II Propaganda Poster Collection - Hennepin  County Library Digital Collections

On this propaganda poster, here are things that I could find connections to using the propaganda techniques

1. NAME CALLING or STEREOTYPING:  Giving a person or an idea a bad label by using an easy to remember pejorative name.  This is used to make us reject and condemn a person or idea without examining what the label really means.  Examples: “Republican”, “Tree-Hugger”, “Nazi”, “Environmentalist”, “Special-Interest Group”.

5.  TESTIMONIAL:  When some respected celebrity (or alternatively someone generally hated) claims that an idea or product is good (or bad).  This technique is used to convince us without examining the facts more carefully.

6.  PLAIN FOLKS:  This is a way that a speaker convinces an audience that an idea is good because they are the same ideas of the vast majority of people like yourself.  Examples: “This is the will of the People”, “Most Americans…”.  Another example would be when the speaker tells a story about a family or people that are “just like you” to reinforce the speaker’s point of view.

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
This Poster is a propaganda. As it breaks down enemy moral,
Explanation of the whole idea with propaganda
There are all kinds of propaganda,
  • to encourage others to do something

China wants to make the Communist Party 'cool' again with digital propaganda,  but is it working? - ABC News


  • Change a perspective

Nazi Propaganda | Stanford History Education Group

  • Persuading others by the using this technique:

    LEAST-OF-EVILS is used to justify an otherwise unpleasant or unpopular point of view.  Example: ‘”War is hell but appeasement leads to worse disasters”.

  • Break down enemy moral

Propaganda - Wikipedia



Build an Atom



Aim: To understand the concept of the element’s atomic structure

  1. Get your equipment
  2. Cut out 2 rings. One is larger than the other. 
  3. Cut out a square and write the Element, Mass number and atomic number/ protons/Neutrons. That’s your label 
  4. Select an element on the Periodic Table of Elements 
  5. Take the number of protons and neutrons 
  6. Take the same amount of the protons and neutrons and use beads. 
  7. Have an even amount of blu-tack 
  8. Make a ball by covering the blu-tack with the beads 
  9. Take your tape and tape a string onto your element label 
  10. Put the rings onto the string and tape it with the label. 
  11.  In the center of the smallest ring, put the ball of beads and make sure the string comes in contact with the blu-tack for grip.  



The Atomic and mass number is the total number of protons, neutrons and electrons. 

  • Why have you drawn the electrons in the way that you have?

Because it is accurate (except for string and label) to the structure of the atom. 

The pure form of Lithium is extremely corrosive. Ignites with contact on water. 

The project went well. If I were to do it again, I’d probably do it differently. Making it on a poster instead of string


Self directed learner

Hello, this term in Humanities for a head start, we’re doing a task to reflect on how we’re doing when completing work.

The highlighted green text is skills that I believe that I don’t need work on and the highlighted yellow is the skills I don’t have faith in or believe that I have.

Today we’re indicating on what we can work on for these yellow skills.

How can I improve in these skills. 

When I am unsure or struggling, I would look for sources to find my answer. Or ask for help from my friends or teacher.

Organise the work I need to do before starting a task.

Ask myself these questions and ask for help.

Goals for each skills I need improvement on

Know what work I need to complete.

  • Ask for what work I need to complete
  • Have a search

Ask for feedback when I am unsure

  • Improve confidence and think about how this will benefit me and social relationships with other people

I reflect on my learning by asking

  • ask these questions to myself
  • Ask these to others

Gaudy, Global Governments. Prior Knowledge task


Learning Outcomes: Success Criteria:
  • Identify different ways that societies govern themselves. 
We will achieve this by: 

  • Identify and explain two government structures.
  • Understand the different forms of governance in Māori societies.
  • Monitor and evaluate our individual learning progress.
We will achieve this by: 

  • Select learning tasks that challenge us to improve.
  • Reflect on our learning progress. 


What I think I will enjoy is seeing how the Government views their actions and how citizens respond to it.

Seeing the faults, wrong views that the Government has done


What I think I will find challenging is finding sources on information about the actions the Government has done and a way to change their rules.


Two types of Governments I know are:

Dictatorship in North Korea

Nazi in Germany during the WW2


“A government is a system of order for a nation, state, or another political unit. A government is responsible for creating and enforcing the rules of a society, defense, foreign affairs, the economy, and public services”


Do governments always do what’s right for it’s people or not?

It depends. Some Governments have their purpose only on wealth and power which is unfortunate. Some think for the better for it’s people. Many citizens may often also be stubborn when the Government might make the right choices for citizens


Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini

“My strength is not mine alone, but as a collective”

What I believe this means is that this is to show how one person’s strength might not be enough to accomplish something great but having people together with one person may accomplish greater things.

Taking A Stand – Abomination to human rights, Connections

Hello, this is the last work for Taking a stand in term 3 !

What we’re doing is to go to

and find an article that was related to abomination, we stated down an article of and see if Abomination has a part that indicates a breach of that article.

Here’s my overall work


A child In a cage – 

Article 13


 (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.

(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.


I think this means having everyone have the freedom to go wherever they want and come back whenever they want. 

(how this is a breach to the declaration of Human Rights) 

 In the following text of Abomination, Martha’s parents had breached this rule by subjecting Mary’s child to a cage and to be held down. Making Jim (Abomination) have no freedom to move wherever Jim wants to go. Or do whatever he needs and wants to do. 

Same thing comes with Martha. Having Martha obey strict rules and having some relationships taken down with her. 

Using religious texts to make her obey. 

I believe that Martha has no freedom to go wherever she wants to because of her strict rules applied by her mother and father. Martha was also told to not go anywhere that her parents did not allow. 


I think the reason why the author had included this into the story is to make the plot more complex and to drive the audience more to the book.


I think this issue was not resolved in a fair way because the parents would have learned more about how wrong their actions were and they could change, sometimes a bit of discipline for them would also help. I think a fair way this could be resolved is for them to learn their actions and treat Martha better, and every child they’ve ever had. 


Here is my second task.

We’ve been writing down comparisons and connecting all documentaries we’ve seen throughout this subject.

A Woman’s Place 

The text revolves around what it is like to be a female in the cult known as Gloriavale. 

This features Dove love who is known for showing everyone what Gloriavale is like. 

Furthermore, the document indicates all major positive things about Gloriavale for others to see Gloriavale on a positive note. Making this cult look like a perfect community. This is because of the leader’s permission to film and interview the cult.  


I am a cult survivor 

This is much the opposite of “A Woman’s place.” I am a cult survivor who mainly considers the cult as a very negative and controlling space and is eager to deny all things that prove that they did not take responsibility. 

David ready was born into the religious cult but took on the leader and questioned the teachings. They showed what wrongdoings that the cult has done against people and him and his family. 



This is much more related to both of them but more on the  “I am a cult survivor” perspective. Abomination shows the main character “Martha” trying to gain  and maintain a lovely healthy relationship with Scott but what’s pretty much stopping her is her religious parents. They seem to use religion as an excuse to control Martha with her choices and people she gets to make relations with. 


What I think these texts have in common is that all three of them are referring to the religion of Catholicism/Christanity 


How I believe that the bullies in “Abomination” are considered cult-like is how they are popularized. Or that they treated Martha terribly because of her differences and there were often  groups of people who did that to her. 


Lessons that I think we can learn from these texts are that, we should be able to have the freedom to believe what we want to believe in and shouldn’t be forced into believing something that you have no faith in. 


Thank you for viewing my work, it’s nice to have all these done by term 3 😀 !



Discovering the Dawn Raids

Hello! today we’ll be focusing on a different topic for humanities. This time, we’ll be studying about the Dawn Raids

What I already know about the Dawn Raids: I do not know anything about the dawn raids.

  • I973-1979 – Took place in New Zealand. Mostly in Auckland.
  • Pacific families came to NZ to fill jobs or to get a better education.
  • In the 70s there are less jobs so National campaign to deport Pacific overstayers
  • 1/3 of overstayers were Pacific Islanders. The rest were South African or European. (white)
  • Immigration would raid houses in the early mornings and drag people out to deport them
  • If you’re Maori, you’re meant to hold your passport to prove you’re from the country
  • The people united under the Polynesian Panthers, protested and eventually, Prime Minister Muldone granted overstayers citizenship.



Most people were to arrive at New Zealand for better education and career.

Many pacific people worked in factories, also pursuing for better education.

There has been racism during the time where the Dawn raids had taken place.

There are those who hid while the Dawn raids were happening.

Racial targetting.

There was a group of people who protested and supported the polynesian people during the raids.